Wednesday, November 27, 2013

مسابقة غرائب الإختراعات

أفضل إختراع لإعادة التدوير  أو بمسمى" مسابقة غرائب الإختراعات"

كما يعرف الجميع بأن اليابان تملك الكثير من الإختراعات المدهشة و الغريبة و لكن هناك فن جديد لهذه الإختراعات
يقوم اليابانييون بإستخدام بعض الادوات و تركيب أجزائها سواء لإعادة تدويرها أو لإبتكار شيء جديد نسبيا.
حيث يقوم اليابانييون بإبتكار أغرب الإختراعات الي تبدو للوهله الأولى غريبة و لا نفع منها ، حيث يقوم اليابانييون بإبتكار بعض 
الآلات و التقنيات التي قد تفيد فرد واحد او تشبع ميول شخص !

كل ما عليكم هو إعادة تدوير بعض الأشياء  ابتكار شيء جديد و مختلف يثير الدهشة

*توجد صور لبعض الامثلة في أخر الموضوع*

قوانين المسابقة :
1)      أن يكون الإبتكار من المشارك نفسه و لا يسمح بنقل أي فكرة سابقة.
2)      أن تكون أحد طلبة جامعة الإمارات سواء طالب أو طالبة (و يمكن للهيئة التدريسية المشاركة).

كيفية المشاركة :-

1)      إرفاق الإسم الثلاثي مع رقم بطاقة الجامعة و رقم الهاتف المحمول مع المشاركة.
2)      تسليم العمل في اليوم الأول من فعالية نادي الساكورا - Art event -  في تاريخ 10 ديسمبر 2013 ، عند طاولة عرض الإختراعات قبل الفعالية بساعة واحدة على الأقل.

The weirdest Inventions contest

As everyone knows Japan is full of

But did you know about the weird one?
*look at the photos in the bottom of the page*
All the photos are showing some of the weird Invention
This contest will be about this type of Inventions
Recycle and create new things
And show it to us!

  1.       .The idea should be created by your own, it should not be similar to any other idea before.
  2.     - You should be one of UAE student – Male or Female – ether Staff of UAEU.

How to join:
  1.     .  Include your full name ,ID and your mobile number.
  2.      . Delivery  your work to the -Art event - on 10 December before the event will started by 1 hr at lest on the table of this section .


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sakura contest

Konnichiwa mina san !
Hello every one ..

We are having an Art contest, here you go the details:-
The content of the painting is “How do you see UAE & Japan in 2022”
It’s about your vision  of both countries in the future “2022”

The rules:-
1)      You can choose the canvas size.
2)      It can be Digital art or traditional art.
3)      It must be in anime or cartoon style.
4)      The due date is 4 December 2013 .

To join :
1)      You should be a student in UAEU – Male & Female are accepting –
2)      Send your work to ( ) .
3)      You must post your full name and ID number with your mobile number.
4)      The due date in (4 December 2013 ) will not be accepting any posts after this data.

Good luck everyone

 كونييشيوا مينا سان
مرحبا جميعا ..

لدينا مسابقة بعنوان " كيف ترى الإمارات و اليابان في عام 2022 م".
تتضمن حول رؤيتكم المستقبلية للدولتين في عام 2022 م

 : القوانين 
     ليس هناك حجم محدد لقياس اللوحة
     يتم قبول جميع انواع الرسم سواء إلكتروني أو تقليدي.
     يجب أن تكون الرسمة تمد بصلة بأسلوب رسم الأنمي أو الكرتون.
      يجب إرسال الرسوم في حد أقصاه 4 ديسمبر 2013

للإشتراك :-
    يجب أن تكون أحد من طلبة جامعة الإمارات  ( يمكن مشاركة الطلاب و الطالبات)
     يجب إرسال المشاركة على إيميل النادي (
    يجب إرفاق الاسم الثلاثي و رقم بطاقة الجامعة  ، و رقم الهاتف .
      أخر موعد لقبول الرسمات فيي 4 ديسمبر و لن يتم قبول أي مشاركات من بعد هذا التاريخ

حظا موفق جميعا

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The 5th Anniversary

 Today our dear Sakura  club completed five years ..

For this special day we wrote this to show all our memories bout the last 5 years , started with the event and the special days we had.
Also we got for you an interview with our sweet president  " Amna "  , and Finally we have some comment 
from our new members about the Sakura club and their hops .

One morning a girl with a beautiful smile on her face. She woke up from a dream that was always hunting her. Then she decided to make it come true with all her might. The motive and beginning for that is her affection of other cultures and the love to dive into their secrets and mysteries. The thought started to grow and become so clear in her eyes. The culture that she loved the most was the Japanese one. She loved everything about them. The day that her dream will turn into reality came and the enthusiasm and ambition is at the extreme. The morning of the 6th of October in 2008 was the amazing journey of  Sakura Club. How amazing is to see your dream come true!!

“Sakura” the Japanese club. The word Sakura means Cherry tree and it’s an important icon and well known in Japan. The Sakura trees blossom for stars in Okinawa on  February , then to Kyoto and Tokyo in the beginning of April , then the Sakura trees keep blossoming to the North to Hokkaido after some weeks. Sakura Club interesting on the Japanese culture and his goal is to exchange the Emarati culture and the Japanese culture and know each other .

Every year , on every semester we have some special event as like :

1) the Sakure anniversary – each year .
2.J-Gas Conference in almost every year
3. Receiving the new members and old members meeting and the
 meeting of heads of sections with the President of the club and the Deputy
4. National Day every year.
5.Sakura Festival May, 2-5,
6.(HOPE): March, 22-23, 2011
7. UAEU Got Talent: March 21,2012
8. Japanese high school visit: March 28, 2012
9. Anime and manga week May 7-9,2012
10. Arigato Gozaymasu event: May 30,2012
11. Tokyo street 2012

And a lot more …

Also the different trip :

1.Japan (twice)
2. Ferrari World
3. Japanese Embassy and Ambassador House
4. Emirates Palace (Tea Party and the presentation of how the author and submitted)
5. Zoo in the eye .. And other

Let me tell you about some of these events more clearly:

1.HOPE: March, 22-23, 2011

Campaign to collect donations for the Japanese people affected by the earthquake (Tsunami), which was subjected to the region and led to severe damage and mortality .. Included Hits display of children of Japanese and selling stories manga and snacks and making sushi and written signatures and wish by students and visitors aware of Japan and send it to them and other paragraphs and what we have achieved from the collection of contributions exceeded our expectations and was pleased with this as much as the Japanese delegation Saad our initiative.

2.2UAEU Got Talent: March 21,201

We constructed a competition among university students to showcase their talents or any musical talent, and has witnessed a large turnout of students with enthusiasm and fun, we constructed the playoffs, which lasted for three days to choose a talent that deserves to continue for the final. And of course we have lived exactly where the atmosphere existed for the jury, which provided an important role and, of course, and no prizes for the winners, we enjoyed and Enjoy attendance and posts too. Was a special day for all .

3. Anime and manga week May 7-9,2012

Of the most beautiful and the most enjoyable events that we have established as Seen us Library Magrudy to sell comics and replace Daiso a souvenir Japanese and replace Rinovada to sell dolls anime, fashion figures anime and others, and others such as Cafe Sakura and Electronic Games and offers combat different and included atmospheres Music Anime and Japanese teams generally accepted as ARASHI, KATTUN and others. This atmosphere continued for a week we enjoyed and we had a very good time together and had a very pleased audience SHORT.

We wish our home beautiful Sakura Club who tacitly 5 years between the warm embrace of all the luck and success and continue for as long as possible and we hope that we spend together are times when the most beautiful and enjoyable than ever ..God willing,

 … And now with the interview with "Ammna

what do you think about the Sakura Club ?

The Sakura club is not just any random club, for me its like a house filled with students and graduates that are interested in the Japanese culture, they share the same interests, that's why I always consider the Sakura as a very important part of my life whether I'm Still a student or a graduated student .

Why was the Sakura club established?

the Sakura club was established on the 6th of October 2008, when a group of students whom share the
Same interests planned to make a club that always gathers them and a lot of students that are interested in the Japanese culture

What made this club continue?

The friendship between the club's members, they are not just members that do particular tasks, but they are
Close friends that share a strong bond, and with this spirit the club was able to continue, never forgetting the support it got from the Japanese friends, through the club they were able to know the Emariti culture by reading the sakura club monthly magazine which was published through the years, where we wrote subjects related to the Emariti culture not just the japanese, beside other activities That held the Japanese and Emariti sides such as the Emarat-japan week, as well as making visits to the university and doing tours in AlAin.

what is the future plans for the Sakura club ?

the main goal for the club is to know the Japanese culture and makes the Japanese people know more about the Emarite cluture , and this goal is always will be the only goal and we will try our best to improve it .

what it the spacial thing on this club ?

the talented members , and the creative ideas about the event we have , also we will not forget the same true internist about the Japanese culture .

what is your feelings after the 5 years of the Sakura club ?

My feelings can not qualify for some of the words , but without the support and the Insistence and determination from the members we could not complete the 5 years  , 5 years full of beautiful memories
and I wish for them the best   and  more achievements , and finally I wish to see them celebrate the 10 years  from now .


 and for our last tripe , the new Sakura girls feelings 
Question one was :-

1) why did you joined the Sakura club ?

Answers :-

Girl A :
I love the Japanese  culture so much and wanted to join a club that will make me have fun a 
place to take me away from all the stress of university and hopefully make friends.

Girl B :
I joined sakura club because am so interested in the Japanese culture & till now i don't have a lot of classes so am going to do something I love is to join the Japanese club and the Korean club ,also I heard about the club years ago from my older sister I told myself I have to join this 

Girl C :
 I joined the Sakura club because I'm interested in the Japanese culture and lifestyle
 and want to know more about it.

2)what is the message you want it to reach to other people about sakura club 
and the  Japanese culture ?

Girl  A :
life waits for no one you have to enjoy the time you have here and the Sakura club will help you do so. By introducing you to the modern sophisticated fascinating world of Japan .
Girl B :
that it's a cool club that have his goals and i want the people to know that the Japanese culture has a very big and interesting history so I recommend the people to try to know the Japanese 
culture or at least visit the country and they will know why i suggest them to choose Japan.

Girl C
 We should learn about others' culture in order to communicate and spread our culture to others.

And now it’s our last station stop were we are going to thanks for your support , and we hope to achieve  what you wanted to know about our dear memories and enjoyed this post ….


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New member meeting

We are waiting for you (≧∇≦)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Member Meeting

Hi, Minna-San 

Here we are again giving you the chance to be a part of our lovely family in SAKURA Club.

so, join us on our New member meeting
 on Monday 20th may, 2013 from 5-7 pm.

( see the poster below)..

waiting for you ^^


Tuesday, April 9, 2013



Baseball is a bat and ball sport played between two teams of nine players. the aim to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a 90-foot diamond.


    Players on the batting team take turns hitting against the pitcher of the fielding team, which tries to prevent runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and later advance via a teammate's hit.

Two Waseda University baseball players in 1921.

  • The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs .
  • one turns at bat for each team constitutes an inning and nine innings make up a professional game. 
  • the team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.

Baseball in Japan:

     Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan. It was introduced to japan in 1872 by Horace Wilson, who taught at the Kaisei School in Tokyo.

     Hiroshi Hiraoka, an engineering student who was exposed to baseball during a period of study in the United States. introduced the game to his co-workers at japan's national railways in upon his returns in 1878.

(Bottom) 1881 Shinbashi Athletic Club. Mr. Hiraoka is in the middle of the center line.

The first baseball team was called the Shimbashi Athletic Club and was established in 1878. Baseball has been a popular sport ever since. It is called 野球 (やきゅう; yakyū) in Japanese, combining the characters for field and ball

Highlights about baseball in japan:
  1. In 1886 that the sport began to take hold in Japanese culture.
  2. The professional baseball association is called Nippon Professional Baseball.
  3. Japan has two leagues, the Central and pacific leagues each consist of six teams. 
  4. Pro baseball season is eight months long with games beginning in April and the Championship held in October.
  5. Teams play 144 games, as compared to the 162 games of the American major league teams.

JA NE ^^

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Kimono Demonstration

Dear all,

We welcome you to join us on our first event, about ( Kimono Demonstration ) & include other things :

     - Lecture..
     - Workshop..
     - Japanese Traditional Dance..
     - Movie.. 

We hope to see you all there, the information about the event are mentioned on the poster below ^^

 Mata Ne ^_^