Saturday, October 23, 2010

Green Tea.. Again

Last time, we spoke about the benefits of the green tea.. This week, we have a "green" post too, as I like to call it.
Have you ever wondered where you can find green tea products.. Here it is.. Green tea is EVERYWHERE.. ^^ Enjoy.

First: Green Tea as you all know it.. Hot tea that is.

Second: Green Tea.. But cold and in a bottle.

Third: Green Tea Coke.. Kind of different.. I really wish I can taste it.

Fourth: Green Tea flavor.. In cakes.

Fifth: Greean Tea doughnut.

Sixth: Green Tea ice-cream.

Seventh: Green Tea chocolate bar.

Eighth: Green Tea Dango.

Ninth: Green Tea cosmetics.

Tenth: Green Tea coffee.

I am sure there are other products. I wish I can try all of these ^^.


Unknown said...

wooow green tea is really in every thing on there....nice!!

Anonymous said...

Cool post
Shows how beneficial it is ^^.
I would like to share that my daily face wash is mainly green tea extracts too. It's such a blessful herb. Keep it up Sakura.